L2 Mundo
Server Opening Information

◉ Opening:
  • Opening Time: 21hs.
  • Initial Quest lvl 1, disabled.
  • Epics: Die at open.
  • Clan Hall Auctions in Open.
  • Territory Wars Not Avariables.
  • Siege Day 14 after Open.
  • Olympiads Period Stage 2.

◉ Quests:
  • First Job Free.
  • Second Job Free.
  • Donate 3th Job or Quest.
  • Donate Subclass or Quest.
  • Donate Noblesse or Quest.
  • 7sing Quest Disabled.
  • 7sing Rewards For Events.

◉ Areas Avariables:
  • Hellbound: LvL Max.
  • Catacombs Avariables.
  • Necros Avariables.
  • Fortress only for registered.

◉ Items:
  • Item Broker (S/Dyn Items).
  • D.C. Stamp by Dc/Events.
  • Mana Potion: 15 s Delay.
  • Mana Potion: Heals 500 Mp.
  • Cursed Weapons Disabled.
  • Luxury Shop S Grade Items.
  • A.T.D.(HB): Can Be traded.
  • Anakin: Scrolls Removed.
  • Zaken: Scrolls Removed.
  • HB Caravan Cert.: No trade.

◉ Others:
  • Hunting Bonus Disabled.
  • Nevit Voice Avariable.
  • Nevit Hourglass Avariable.
  • Macro (delaybug) Disabled.
  • Hit War Not Use Ctrl Key.

Stages Information
◉  Stage 1 (17 days) - Max LvL Main/Sub 80
•  Epics: Queen, Core, Orfen
•  Events LvL: 75 - 80
•  Buffer:
B.Spirit, W.Walk, B.Body, B.Soul, M.Barrier, M.Shield, R.Shock, Shield, Might, H.Weapon, Haste, Guidance, Focus, D.Whisper, V.Rage, G.Might, Agility. Acumen, Concen, Empo, W.Magic, Clarity, Rege, G.Shield, B.Shield, Advanced Block, D.Warrior, D.Fire ,D.Fury, D.Vampire, D.Light, D.Mystic, D.Concentration, D.Inspiration, D.Shadows, S.Earth, S.Warding, S.Wind, S.Hunter, S.Vitality, S.Water.
•  Improves: lvl 75 In Custom Macros.

◉  Stage 2 (14 days) - Max LvL Main/Sub 83
•  Epics: Queen, Core, Orfen, Baium.
•  Events LvL: 75 - 83
•  Buffs Add:
Embroider, Sharp Edge, Case Harden. Chant of Victory, Magnus' Chant, Prop.Wind, Prop.Fire, Prop.Water.
S.Meditation, S.Champion, S.Renewal, D.Siren's, D.Alignment.

◉  Stage 3 - Max LvL Main/Sub 85
•  Epics: Queen, Core, Orfen, Baium, Antharas, Valakas.
•  Events LvL: 75 - 85
•  Buffs Add:
Noblesse Blessing. Chant of Protection, Eye of Pa'agrio, Soul of Pa'agrio. R.Aqua, R.Wind, R.Fire, R.Earth, R.Holy, R.Unholy.
S.Flame Guard, S.Storm Guard, S.Elemental, D.Protection, D.Aqua Guard, D.Earth Guard.

Rates Information
Experience x10x12.5
Skill Points x10x12.5
Adena x6x7.5
Weigth Limit Ret+50%
Fishing x3+25%
Party Xp Bon. +25%+25%
Quest Xp/Sp x2x2
Quest Adenax1x1
Craft NormPrem
Double Item 3%3%
Master Work RetRet
Ench Warr WpRetRet
Ench Mage WpRetRet
Ench ArmorRetRet
Ench AccesRetRet
Ench Ele.ArmRetRet
Ench Ele.WepRetRet
Drop ChanceNormalPrem
Spoilx3x4 (+30%)
Drop QuantityNormalPrem
Quest Itemsx2x2
Seal Stonesx3x3
Noble Stonesx2x2
Life Stonesx2x2
Simple Materialsx2x2
General Configs Information
Max. LvL:85
Sub-Job LvL:85
Party Size:7 Members
Command Channel:Max 6 Partys
Transforms:Not Onix Quest.
Hellbound:LvL 11 at Opening
HB Enter Quest:Free
Buff/S&D/Rhytms:1 Hour
Remove Buff:Alt+Click
Sell Buff:Can Sell Buff
G.Gk:Free For All
G.Gk to Rbs: 1 Donate Coin
Donate Coin:Can Be Traded
Trader OffLine:Free For All
Donate Auction:By Donates
Rim Kamalok:For All
PK Protect:20 LvLs of Dif.
Sieges & Fortress
Sieges:14 Days-Sunday
Sieges Turns:16hs and 20hs
Cycle:14 Days
Days:Fri, Sat.
Schelude:Sat 20 to 23:40hs
Matchs:Only General
Rounds:5 Inscriptions
Fights/Pts Week:35 / 40
Clan & Allys
Clan:LvL 5 In creation
Clan Change Leader:6:40 am
Clan Main:60 Slots
Knight/Royal:+7 Slots
Kill War:+10 RP
Penaltys:24 Hours
Clan LvL UP:Quest & Donation
Inteface Functions
A-Farm (.autofarm)
A-Enchant (.enchant)
A-Potions (.acp)
Drop Details (Shift+Click)
A-Element (Rigth Click in Stone)
Monster DB (.monsters)
Inteface Functions
.offlinePut Trader Offline.(in market state)
.sellbuffsMake one Market for sell your Buffs.
.restartRelogin the characther fast.
.repairRepairs Damaged Char in same Account.
.pingCheck your actual Ping to the proxy.
.promocodeInput Promo Code for get Rewards!.
/timeDisplay Server Time.
.enchantOpen Automatic Enchanting.
.aaExchange your Seal Stones in AA.
.hellboundCheck Hellbound Status.
.openatod [number]Opens Ancients Tome of The Demon.
.7rb Displays your status in the 7 raid boss quest.
.monstersDisplays Monster Search Book.
.notradersShow/Hide traders in screen.
.buffanimationDisable Buffs Animations.
.dressmeCheck Fashion Items!.
.menuOpen Window for enable/disable Features.
.statsShow your Character Stadistics.
.findpartyRegister in Waiting List of Party Matching.
.expoffDisables the experience gain.
.exponEnable the experience gain.
.buffshieldProtects you from unwanted buffs.
.combineCombines all same type talismans, in one.
.depositExchange 500kk of adena in x1 GOLDBAR.
(Stored in Quest Items)
.withdrawExchange x1 GOLDBAR in 500kk of Adena.
(Take x1 Gold Bar of Quest Items)
.recoveryRecover Accidental Deteled Item.
(works 12 hs only).
.autolootEnable/Disable automatic looting.
.autolootherbsEnable/Disable automatic looting of herbs.
Epics & Rbs Cronogram
Antharas 85 Valakas 85 Baium 85 Beleth 85
- Time: WED/MIE 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Heart.
- PvP: Heart & Cave.
- Jewel x1: 100%
- Rate: x2 Retail.
- Time: SAT/SAB 21 to 22 hs.
- Gk: FGods.
- PvP: Heart.
- Jewel x1: 100%
- Rate: x2 Retail.
- Time: TUE/MAR 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Heart.
- PvP: Heart & Cave.
- Jewel x1: 100%.
- S/S80 Arm., Ica Wep.
- Time: THU/JUE 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Heart.
- PvP: Heart & Cave.
- Jewel x1: 100%
- Rate: x2 Retail.
Queen Ant 83 Orfen 83 Core 83 Boreas 83
- Time: MON/THU 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Entrace.
- PvP: Heart & Cave.
- Jewel x2: 100%, 50%.
- S/S80 Arm., Ica Wep.
- Time: Wed 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Entrace.
- PvP: Heart.
- Jewel x2: 100%, 50%.
- S/S80 Arm., Ica Wep.
- Time: Wed 22 to 23 hs.
- Gk: Heart.
- PvP: Heart & Cave.
- Jewel x2: 100%, 50%.
- S/S80 Arm., Ica Wep.
- Time: Every 6 hs.
- Gk: DValley/ALair.
- PvP: No Global Epic.
- Blood of Boreas.

- If you make damage to one npc (mob, raid or epics) with characters at same lvl of de npc the CHANCE DROP ITEMS is hes maximun, in other case, the chance decreases. You can Check Status, Drop, and move to the location via Comm. Board
- In PvP Zone Only can stay Disconnected/Death 5 min before get kick from de area.
- Antahras / Valakas, Requires Individual Quest For Entrace (Command Channel is not Necessary for enter).

Instance Users Extras
Kamalokas Laberynt/Halls7-
Pailaka Rune7-
Delusion Chamber7-
Crystal Cavern/Nor.Garden7-
Dungeons / Steel Citadel 7-
Tower of Infinitum (5th Floor)7-
Tower of Infinitum (9th Floor)7-
Hall of Suffering Atk/Def7-
Hall of Eros/Infi Atk/Def14-21-
Zaken Daytime 657-
Nigthmare Zaken 787-21Bless E. Zaken (7%) , E. Zaken (30%)
Nightly Zaken 6515-105E. Zaken (100%)
Freya Normal/Hard7-28 N. Freya (30%), S.Broch (30%)
Tiat14-35Stone Broch (30%)
Frintezza7-35N. Frintezza (100%), S.Broch (30%)
Clan Dungeon7Custom Drops

- All Instances, have reducced requisites for entry, from 9 to 7 players.
- In time of enter to one instance, the buff are cleaned.
- The frecuency and restart days of instances is like H5 Retail.

Automatic Events
The Auto Figths Events are competitions of 20 Min for get x20 Event Coins when win, and for buy rewards.
Event Objetive
Destroy the Base Destroy the enemy Base 3 Times
Team vs TeamGet the major numbers of kills for you team.
Last Man StandBecome the last player alive.
Korean FigthsDefeat all enemys in 1vs1 Fights.
Treasure HunterSurvive and open chests for points.
Death MatchBecome the most killer in the area.
Reward Cost
x200 Fame20 Event Coins
Vesper Rcp / Key100 / 8 Event Coins
EWS150 Event Coins + 10 Donate Coins
EAS120 Event Coins + 5 Donate Coins
Giant Codex50 Event Coins
Giant Codex Mastery200 Event Coins + 5 Donate Coins
Lv.12/13/14 Soul Cryst100/170/300 Event Coins
FS Scroll 75- 50 Event Coins
Neolitics B/A/S/S84200/500/1000/1500 Event Coins
Large Bone 20 Event Coins
7sings, Shadai, HallSuff 150 Event Coins each F.Scroll.
Brooch Jewels
Daily Clan Missions

Windows Details
1 - Solo Player
2 - For Party
3 - Archivement
4 - Rewards
5 - LvL Required
6 - Objetives
7 - Check by LvL

Each Clan Mission, give Fame And Clan Points rewards, in add can get extra rewards detailed in the window.
- The Limit of Missions Per Week, is 18 for normal characters and 20 for Nobless characters.
- The Missions completed, Get Reset every Wendsday at 6:30 Am, and can repeat.
- The Level Required Is detailed in each mission (min/max LeveL), Not Can Take mission over detailed level.


Classes & Quest
Max. LvL:85
Max. Sub-Jobs:3
Max. Sub-Job LvL:85
First Change Class:1 Adena/Quest
Second Change Class:1 Adena/Quest
Third Change Class:Donate/Quest
Sub-Class Quest:Donate/Quest
Noblesse Quest:Donate/Quest
Transformations:Can learn witout Onix Quest.
Hellbound:LvL 11 at Opening
HB Entrace Quest:Free at Opening
Comm. Board Buffs:Buff LvLs. 75. Free
Comm. Board S&D:S& D LvLs. 75. Free
Comm. Board Buffs Duration:1 Hour
Comm. Board S&D Duration:1 Hour
Max Gameboxes:3
Autofarm:Free 3hs + 2 hs by Donation
Global Gk:Free For All
Global Gk to Raidboss: 1 Donate Coin
Donate Coin:Can Be Traded
Trader OffLine:Free For All
Players Global Auction:By Donates
Rim Kamaloka:Not need Be Premium
PK Protection:20 LvLs of Difference
Luxury Shop Weapons/Armors:S Grade Armors Weapons and Jewels
CONTENTS - Here you can check the list of the extra contents for the gameplay, detail of functions, bonus, vote system, and others.


- El Límite de Misiones Por Semana, es de 18 para personajes normales y 20 para personajes Nobless.

- Las misiones completadas se reinician todos los miércoles a las 6:30 a. m. y pueden repetirse.

- Las clases de misión son 4, normal (jugador en solitario), intensiva (para grupo), Logros (solo una vez por personaje) y Eventos (especiales).

- El nivel requerido se detalla en cada misión (Nivel mínimo/máximo), no se pueden realizar misiones más allá del nivel detallado.


Each Raid Boss lvl 75+ drops x20 - x25 Raid Coins in 100% of chance, this coins can be exchanged in STORE for the Following Rewards:

Rewards AvariablesCost
x1 S Weapon200 RC
x1 S Shield150 RC
x1 Moirai Shield200 RC
x1 S Jewel50 RC
x1 Dynasty Weapon Rcp100 RC
x1 Moirai Armor Rcp50 RC
x1 Moirai Jewel Rcp20 RC
x1 Lv. 12 Soul Crystal100 RC
x1 Lv. 13 Soul Crystal150 RC
x1 Lv. 14 Soul Crystal200 RC
x1 FS Protection100 RC
x1 FS Will100 RC
x1 Olympiads Forgotten Scrolls (After First Heroes / Luego de los primeros Heroes)200 RC
x1 Dynastic Essence LvL 130 RC
x1 Dynastic Essence LvL 2100 RC
x1 Divine Inspiration (Lv.2)150 RC
x1 Divine Inspiration (Lv.3)200 RC
x1 Divine Inspiration (Lv.4)300 RC


The Fake Jewels can be enchanted, but the pasive effects never are like one Original Jewels.

Fake Queen Ant MP +21, Poison Resistance +15%, Poison Atk. Rate +15%, increases Accuracy, increases P. Critical Damage, Hold Resistance +10%, and Hold Atk. Rate +10%. When two identical rings are equipped, the effect of only one ring will be applied. 400 Raid Coins
Fake Baium MP +21, Poison Resistance +20%, Poison Atk. Rate +20%, Hold Resistance +15%, Hold Atk. Rate +15%, increases Accuracy, P. Critical Damage, Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd. When two identical rings are equipped, the effect of only one ring will be applied. 600 Raid Coins
Fake Zaken MP +31; Bleed Resistance +15%; Bleed Atk. Rate +15%; increases Heal Amount; Vampiric Rage Effect; Stun/ Mental Attack Resistance +10%; Stun/ Mental Atk. Rate +10%. When equipped with two identical earrings, only one effect is applied. When equipped together with Blessed Zaken's Earring, only the effect of Zaken's Earring will be applied. 300 Event Coins

The Jewels of Core, and Orfen have new additional effects and can be upgraded.

Ring of Core MP +21, Poison Resistance +10%, Poison Atk. Rate +10%. Resist Paralyze 10%. Accuracy +1. Magic/Physcal Attk.Speed 1%. When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied.
Reinforced Ring of Core MP +21, Poison Resistance +20%, Poison Atk. Rate +20%. Resist Paralyze 20%. Accuracy +2. Magic/Physcal Attk.Speed 2%. When equipped with two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied.
Earring of Orfen MP +31, Bleed Resistance +20%, chance of Bleed attack +20%. Increases healing effects. Increase Mental Def./Atk. in 5. Resist Debuffs 10%. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Reinforced Earring of Orfen MP +31, Bleed Resistance +25%, chance of Bleed attack +20%. Increases healing effects. Increase Mental Def./Atk. in 10. Resist Debuffs 30%. When equipped with two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
CostCan Get
   x1 Ring of Core +    x1 Earring of Orfen +    x3 Billons Adena
   x1 Reinforced Ring of Core
   x1 Ring of Core +    x1 Earring of Orfen +    x3 Billons Adena
   x1 Reinforced Earring of Orfen


- You can get different types of Brooches, and equip they in your character inventory, each one have one different number of slots for engarze Jewels.

- You need open the Brooch Jewelry Box, for put inside the Jewels, each one have bonuses according with they grade.

- The Jeweles can be upgraded from Lv.1 to Lv.3, increasing they effects.

- You Can check the effects of your Jewels with .stat voicecommand.

- You need collect Brooch's Fragment in locations like:

Ketra Outpost, Varkas Outpost, Forge of Gods Entrace, Dragon Valley Entrace.

- You can buy one Nobolie Brooch for 2000 Brooch's Fragments , in the STORE.

Brooch Name Slots Cost
Nobile 3 2000 Brooch Fragment
(Ketra/Varkas/FoG Ent./DV Ent.)
Brilliant 4 Nobile Brooch + 30.000 Knigth Epaulletes
Radiant 5 Brilliant Brooch + 40.000 Knigth Epaulletes
Elegant 6 Radiant Brooch + 60.000 Knigth Epaulletes

- The Jewels Lv.1, can by get, killing mobs at low chance (0,5%) in areas.

- The Jewels can be Exchange for others with more Level, in the Store.

- Repeat Jewels in the Brooch, only one give the effects.

Jewels Level 1, Drop Zones - 1 % Chance / SOA 0.25% Chance
Jewel Drop Zone
Ruby / Sapphire (P.Atk & M.Atk) Forge of Gods - Top LeveL.
Obsidian / Amethyst (PvP Dmg) Monastery Floor 2, 3.
Obsidian / Amethyst (PvP Dmg) Primaveral Island - Lost Nest.
Aquamar (MP) / Garnet (HP) Deep inside Pagans Temple.
Pearl / Diamond (P.Def & M.Def) Giants Cave Lower Levels.
Opal / Cat's Eye (Ele.Atk & Refl.Dmg) Stakato Nest
Tanzanite / Topaz (PvP Def) Dragon Valley 83+
R.CatEye & B.CatEye (PvP Skl.Dmg / M.Crit.) Antharas Lair Deep
All Types Seed of Annihilation
Jewels Name, Level, Effect and Costs.
Jewel Name Detail

Ruby Lv.1 - Increases Soul/Beast Shots Dmg. 1%. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - Increases Soul/Beast Shots Dmg. 3.5%. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Ruby = x8 Lv.1 Ruby + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - Increases Soul/Beast Shots Dmg. 7.5%. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Ruby = x4 Lv.2 Ruby + 1kkk Adena.

Sapphire Lv.1 - Increases Spirit/Blessed Shots Dmg. 1%. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - Increases Spirit/Blessed Shots Dmg. 3.5%. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Sapph. = x8 Lv.1 Sapph. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - Increases Spirit/Blessed Shots Dmg. 7.5%. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Sapph. = x4 Lv.2 Sapph. + 1kkk Adena.

Obsidian Lv.1 - 1% PVP Dmg. Skill - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% PVP Dmg. Skill - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Obsi. = x8 Lv.1 Obsi.+ 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 3% PVP Dmg. Skill - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Obsi. = x4 Lv.2 Obsi.+ 1kkk Adena.

Amethyst Lv.1 - 1% PvP Dmg. Physcal - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% PvP Dmg. Physcal - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Ameth. = x8 Lv.1 Ameth. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 3% PvP Dmg. Physcal - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Ameth. = x4 Lv.2 Ameth. + 1kkk Adena.

Garnet Lv.1 - Debuff Resistance +3%. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - Debuff Resistance +6%. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Garn. = x8 Lv.1 Garn. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - Debuff Resistance +12%. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Garn. = x4 Lv.2 Garn. + 1kkk Adena.

Aquamar Lv.1 - After Skill chance (1%) of recover 136 MP. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - After Skill chance (2%) of recover 136 MP. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Aqua. = x8 Lv.1 Aqua. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - After Skill chance (4%) of recover 136 MP. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Aqua. = x4 Lv.2 Aqua. + 1kkk Adena.

Diamond Lv.1 - 50 P. Def. and Incoming P.Crit.Dmg -1% - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 100 P. Def. and Incoming P.Crit.Dmg -2% - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Diam. = x8 Lv.1 Diam. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 150 P. Def. and Incoming P.Crit.Dmg -3% - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Diam. = x4 Lv.2 Diam. + 1kkk Adena.

Pearl Lv.1 - 50 M. Def. and Incoming M.Crit.Dmg -1% - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 100 M. Def. and Incoming M.Crit.Dmg -2% - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Pearl = x8 Lv.1 Pearl + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 150 M. Def. and Incoming M.Crit.Dmg -3% - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Pearl = x4 Lv.2 Pearl + 1kkk Adena.

Opal Lv.1 - 10 Ele.Atk.Attr. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 20 Ele.Atk.Attr. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Opal = x8 Lv.1 Opal. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 40 Ele.Atk.Attr. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Opal = x4 Lv.2 Opal. + 1kkk Adena.

Cat's Eye Lv.1 - 1% Reflex. Physical Damage Dmg. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% Reflex. Physical Damage Dmg. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 CatEye. = x8 Lv.1 CatEye. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 3% Reflex. Physical Damage Dmg. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 CatEye. = x4 Lv.2 CatEye. + 1kkk Adena.

Tanzanite Lv.1 - Shield absorbs 3,000 damage for 5 seconds. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - Shield absorbs 5,000 damage for 7 seconds. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Tanz. = x8 Lv.1 Tanz. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - Shield absorbs 7,000 damage for 10 seconds. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Tanz. = x4 Lv.2 Tanz. + 1kkk Adena.

Topaz Lv.1 - 1% PvP Dmg. Def. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% PvP Dmg. Def. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 Topaz. = x8 Lv.1 Topaz. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 5% PvP Dmg. Def. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 Topaz. = x4 Lv.2 Topaz. + 1kkk Adena.

R.CatEye Lv.1 - 1% Skill Pwr. and P. Skill Crit. Damage +1%. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% Skill Pwr. and P. Skill Crit. Damage +2%. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 RCEye. = x8 Lv.1 RCEye. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 4% Skill Pwr. and P. Skill Crit. Damage +4%. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 RCEye. = x4 Lv.2 RCEye. + 1kkk Adena.

B.CatEye Lv.1 - 1% Mgc Crit. - Cost: By Drop.
Lv.2 - 2% Mgc Crit. - Cost: x1 Lv.2 BCEye. = x8 Lv.1 BCEye. + 500kk Adena.
Lv.3 - 4% Mgc Crit. - Cost: x1 Lv.3 BCEye. = x4 Lv.2 BCEye. + 1kkk Adena.


You can get one reward daily if you stay logged 30 min, can take the reward.
Puedes Recibir una recompensa diaria, esta disponible para cobrar luego de 30 min de estar logueado.

1 - Counter of Days - Contador de Dias.

2 - Time Necessary for Access to Reward - Tiempo Necesario de permancer logueado antes de cobrar el Reward.

3 - Reward Take/ Recompensa Tomada.

4 - Reward Take Avariable Today/ Recompensa Disponible del Dia.

5 - Attendance Window Link / Attendance Window Menu.


If you stay playing, can get PA points in the time, you can change your PA poits for differents Rewards in Aventure Gildsman.
El tiempo que permanezcas logueado, recibiras PA Points, Los cuales puedes cambiar por diferentes recompensas en el Aventure Guildsman.

1 - PA Counter / Contador de PA.

2 - PA Adquire / Adquisicion de PA.

3 - Aventure Guildsman / Aventure Guldsman.

4 - Menu of PA Exchange / Menu Para intercambiar tus PA.

ENCHANTERS CLASS, SKILLS UPDATES & SKILL BALANCES - Here you can the detail of Enchanter Class, New Skills and Skill Balances.



They get exclusive party skills, for get more flexibility at time of make one party structure of 7 members.


Support Buff for Party
Enchanter Movement40 Speed +33, Evasion +4.SP
Enchanter Body44Bless the Body + Bless the Soul.SP
Enchanter Acumen48Acumen.SP
Enchanter Berserker52Berserker Spirit.SP
Enchanter Barrier52Magic Barrier.SP
Enchanter Haste56Haste.SP
Enchanter Vapiric58Vampiric Rage.SP
Enchanter Greater Might66Greater Might.SP
Enchanter Greater Shield66Greater Shield.SP
Enchanter Combat70Might + Shield.SP
Enchanter Critical72Focus + Death Whisper.SP
Rhythms - Improves of Song & Dances
Rhythm of Critical40 Fire + Hunter  // P. Crit. Atk. Power +35%. P. Crit. Atk. Chance +100% Sp
Rhythm of Benefit43 Inspiration + Water + Life // Accuracy +4. Evasion +3. HP Regen. +20% Sp
Divine Rhythm46 Light + Invocation // Increases damage on undeads and demons. Resistance Dark +20% Sp
Rhythm of Defence49 Warding + Earth // M.Def. +30%. P.Def. +25%. Sp
Rhythm of Power52 Mystic + Warrior // M.Atk. +20%. P.Atk. +12%. Sp
Rhythm of Rage55 Concentration + Fury // Casting Speed +30%. P.Atk. Speed +15%. Sp
Rhythm of Body60 Wind + Vitality // Speed +20. Max. HP +30%. Sp
Cyclonic Rhythm65 Earth + Storm Guards // Resistance from Earth and Wind +15%. Cooldown 3 min. Sp
Magmatic Rhythm70 Aqua + Flame Guards // Resistance from Water and Fire +15%. Cooldown 3 min. Sp
Rhythm of Shadows72 Dance of Shadow // Hides from mobs. Speed -50%. Sp
Rhythm of Reflection74 Vampiric + Vengeance  // Vampiric effect +8% (meele). Damage Reflect +5%. Meele Attack Reflect +15%. Sp
Rhythm of Clarity76 Renewal + Meditation // MP Rege.+20%. Cooldowns -20%. Clarity Mgc.-15%./Phys.-5%. Sp
Rhythm of Dominance78 Siren + Champion // M.Crit. Chance +100%. Phys. Clarity -20%. Cooldowns reduced by -10%. Sp
Rhythm of Resistance79 Alignment + Elemental // All Elements Resistance +30. Cooldown 3 min. Sp





SUPPORT CLASSES - (Spectral Dancer, Dominator, Doomcryer, Sword Muse, Hierophant)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Chant of Blood Awakening- 74 Retail H5. 1
Rhytm of Victory Lv1 78 Recovers all party members' HP by 20%%, and for 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase Max HP by 20%%, chance of magic Critical by 2, Critical Damage by 20%%, P. Atk. by 10%%, P. Def. by 20%%, Atk. Spd. by 20%%, M. Atk. by 20%%, M. Def. by 20%%, Casting Spd. by 20%%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%%, and Accuracy by 4. Decreases Speed by 10%%. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore. 240
Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer
Rhytm of Victory Lv2 83 Recovers all party members' HP by 20%%, and for 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase Max HP by 20%%, chance of magic Critical by 2, Critical Damage by 20%%, P. Atk. by 10%%, P. Def. by 20%%, Atk. Spd. by 20%%, M. Atk. by 20%%, M. Def. by 20%%, Casting Spd. by 20%%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%%, and Accuracy by 4. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore. 240
Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer
Migth of Heavens - 40 Restriction Disabled, can be cast to all type of mobs. (blocked for olympiads). 5
Death Strike - 81 Strong Physical Impact in enemy body with 6000 power. 5
Spectral Dancer, Sword Muse
Turn Stone 81 Retail H5 Ret Spectral Dancer, Sword Muse
Elemental Spike (Earth) 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Flame Tower - 81 Inflicts attribute damage on the target with 200 power added to M. Atk. 5
Mass Ruin - 81 Attacks the target and nearby (200 Area) enemies with 108 power added to M. Atk. Decreases P./M. Skill Power by 15%, P. Def./M. Def. by 30% and Speed by 20% for 10 sec. 60
Hell Binding - 81 Immobilizes target mid air for 5 sec. 120
Hurricane Rush - 83 Rushes and stunning for 3 sec one enemy. Requires sword, blunt, spear, or dual swords. 10
Spectral Dancer, Sword Muse
Chain Heal 83 Retail H5. Ret Hieropant, Warcry
Petrify - 85 Has a chance to turn the target into stone over 15 sec. 60
Hierophant, Doomcry
Mass Hell Binding - 85 Thrusts target and nearby enemies into the air and immobilizes them for 5 sec. 60 sec Dominator
Ruin - 85 Attacks the target with 108 Power added to M. Atk. P./ M. Skill Power -15%, P./ M. Def. -30% and Speed -20% for 10 sec. 60
Hierophant, Doomcry
ARCHERS CLASS - (Saggitarius, Moonligth Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Trickter)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Retreat - 81 Momentarily teleports backward for 300 units. 30
All Archers, Except Trickter
Slow Shot - 81 Attacks target with 7000 power added to P. Atk. For 10 sec. Speed 30%. Requires a bow/ crossbow. 30
All Archers
Camouflage - 83 For 30 sec., blends into the environment and hides but your speed is deacreased in 80%. 180
All Archers
Flash Dagger - 83 Blinds enemies in front. 60
All Archers
Phoenix Arrow - 85 Shoots a magical arrow to obliterate an area. Attacks targets within the skill's range with 15000 add P.Attack Power. Bow required. 300
All Archers, Except Trickter
Tornado Shot - 85 Attacks the target and enemies in the route of arrow. Power 7000 add P.Attack Power Requires a bow or a crossbow. Critical. Over-hit. 300
All Archers
KNIGTHS - (Hellknigth, Eva Templar, Phoenix Knigth, Shillien Templar)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Chain Strike - 81 Swings a chain to draw the target to you. Requires a sword/blunt to be equipped. 50
All Knigths
Rising Smash - 81 Attacks nearby targets with 5000 Power added to P. Atk and Heal Received is reduced by 90% for 10 sec. Critical. Over-hit. 50
Shillen Templar, Eva Templar
Shield Boomerang - 83 Throws the shield at the target dealing P. damage equal to 3000 of your P. Atk. For 5 sec., provokes the target into attacking you. Speed in PvP -30%. Requires a shield. The skill cooldown is fixed. 30
All Knigths
Shield Impact - 83 With the wave of the shield, attacks enemies in front with 3000 Power added to P. Atk., pushes them away a short distance with one chance of knockback. Requires a shield. 60
All Knigths
Shield Charge - 83 Uses a shield to rush target with 4000 Power added, reducing their Speed by 50% for 3sec. Can be used while a shield is equipped. 30
Eva Templar, Shillien Templar
King of Beasts 85 Summons the King of Beasts to attack nearby and frontal targets with 7000 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a shield. Over-hit. 120
Phoenix Knigth
Shadow Hunt 85 Summons the Blood Panther to attack the target and enemies on the path with 7000 Power added to P and decrease their Speed by 140 for 3 sec. 120
WARRIORS - (Duelist, Titan, Grand Khavatary, Dread Nought, Doombringer, Maestro )
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Jump - 81 Jumps to attack frontal enemies with 1000 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases their Speed by 50% for 5 sec. Requires a sword, a blunt weapon, a spear, a fist weapon, dual swords. Critical. Over-hit. 30
Maestro, Dread Nought, Grand Kavatary
Provoke 43 Retail H5. Ret
Charged Spear - 81 Throws the Spear at the target and Stun for 1 sec and Cancel the target. 10
Maestro, Dread Nought
Move Garbage - 81 Inflicts a powerful strike on target with 1000 Power added to P. Atk., knocking them down for 3 sec. Critical. Over-hit. 20
Titan Kavatary
Eruption - 81 Attacks nearby enemies with 7000 Power added to P. Atk., Stuns them for 2 and remove their target. Critical. Over-hit. 50
Titan, Duelist
Giant's Punch - 81 Strikes down at the ground with a fist to Knock Down nearby enemies for 5 sec. 30
Shield Boomerang - 83 Throws the shield at the target dealing P. damage equal to 3000 of your P. Atk. For 5 sec., provokes the target into attacking you. Speed in PvP -30%. Requires a shield. The skill cooldown is fixed. 30
Timed Bomb - 81 Throws one bomb at the target and after some seconds dealing P. damage equal to 15000 of Physical Damage in near area. 15
Thunder Spear - 83 Throws a spear to inflict the vicinity of the enemy with 2000 power. Stun is inflicted for 3 Sec. 30
Dread Nought
Hurricane Blaster - 83 Attacks the target with 4500 power dealing additional damage, decreasing the target's P. Def. in 23%. 60
Disperse Front - 83 Push and knocking enemys in front with 2000 Powerd added to P. Atk.. Requires a Ancient Sword. 60
Infinity Strike - 85 Inflicts a powerful attack on target with 9000 Power added to P. Atk. 90
Titan Star - 85 Attacks nearby enemies with 7000 power knocking them down. Critical. Over-hit. 50
Blade Slayer - 85 Attacks enemies in front with 7000 Power added to P. Atk.. Requires a Ancient Sword. 180
ROGUES - (Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker, Treasure Hunter, Bounty Hunter)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Flash Dagger - 81 Blinds enemies in front of you making them unable to choose a target for 3 sec. Requires a dagger or dual daggers. 60
Bounty Hunter, Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker
Provoke 43 Retail H5. Ret
Bounty Hunter
Shadow Hide - 81 Cancels all debuff effects inflicted on you by teleporting to the front a distance of 250 and making you invisible for 20. Additionally, decreases Speed by 50. 120
All Rogues
Hurricane Rush - 81 Rushes and stunning for 3 sec one enemy. 10
Bounty Hunter
Rigth Stab - 83 Moves to the right side of the target and attacks their vital point dealing damage of 4000 add to P.Atk. equires dagger/dual dagger. 30
Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker, Treasure Hunter
Left Stab - 83 Moves to the left side of the target and attacks their vital point dealing damage of 4000 add to P.Atk. equires dagger/dual dagger. 30
Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker, Treasure Hunter
Shadow Reverse - 83 Teleports to the back of the target and attempts Deadly Attack with 6000 power added to P. Atk. Additionally cancel the target and knocking your enemy. Requires dagger/dual dagger. 60
Bounty Hunter
Counter Flip - 83 Teleports to the back of the target, push and knocking your enemy. Requires a dagger or a dual dagger. 30
Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker, Treasure Hunter
Fast Pierces 85 Multiple Pierce Movements and Attacks target with 10000 added to P. Atk. 60
Ghost Hunter, Plains Walker, Treasure Hunter
Reverse Pounder 85 Swiftly attacks the enemy's vital point, deals damage equal to 7000 add to your P. Atk. 60
Bounty Hunter
Focus Power Lv1 78 Retail.(No enchant routes) 4
Bounty Hunter
HEALERS - (Eva Saint, Cardinal, Shillien Saint)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Party Resurrection - 79 Give to all party death members Resurrection Effect. 10
Shillien Saint, Eva Saint
Cleanse - 78 Retail H5. 8
Shillien Saint, Eva Saint
Mass Mana Gain - 79 Give to all party Mana Gain Effect. 5
Shillien Saint, Eva Saint
Migth of Heavens - 40 Restriction Disabled, can be cast to all type of mobs. (blocked for olympiads). 5
All Healers
Elemental Spike (Fire) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Elemental Spike (Water) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Eva Saint
Elemental Spike (Wind) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Shillien Saint
Brilliant Recharge - 82 Instantly recovers with a cost of 1000 mp, party members' MP with a maximum of 700 Power depending on their level. Also, for 10 sec, recovers 50 MP per second. 10
Shillien Saint, Eva Saint
Soul Armony 81 Restaura 2000 de mp en el 10 sec, pero deja todos quietos y con 50% menos de mdef/pdef 60
All Healers
Petrefy - 81 Has a chance to turn the target into stone over 15 sec. 60
All Healers
Dark Backfire - 83 For 20 sec, target's MP Consumption 50%, and Casting Spd. and Atk. Spd. down in 20%. 60
All Healers
Mark of Lumy - 83 Leaves a mark that decreases target's P. Def. and M. Def. by 10%, and consumes 113 HP every second for 15. 30
All Healers
Ice Wall 85 Summons a frezze zone and mini stun your enemys in the path. 180
Elven Elder
Purgatory - 85 Opens one window to purgatory, for slow in 80% in the area and attack the target and near enemies with 180 Power added to M. Atk. 180
Shillen Saint
Crystal Form - 85 Cancels Poison/Bleed/Hold effect. Becomes invincible for 5 Sec. 300
MAGES - (Archmage, Mystic Muse, Storm Screamer, Soultaker, Soul Hound)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Arcane Jump - 81 Instant Transport in front direction. 30
All Mages, Except Soulhound
Chain Ligthing - 83 Make Chain Damage to enemys 5-12 for power 108 add to M.Atak. and +20 Holy Damage. 60
Mystic Muse
Chain Blaze - 83 Make Chain Damage to enemys 5-12 for power 108 add to M.Atak. and +20 Fire Damage. 60
Dark Chain - 83 Make Chain Damage to enemys 5-12 for power 108 add to M.Atak. and +20 Dark Damage. 60
Storm Screamer, Soultaker
Dimensional Cut - 83 Make Damage to enemys in front for power 108 add to M.Atak. and +20 Dark Damage. 60
Soul Hound
Elemental Storm Fire - 1141 85 Deals M. Atk. of 108 power added with attribute damage on the target and the enemies near it. All elemental resist down -20. 180
Elemental Storm Water - 1143 85 Deals M. Atk. of 108 power added with attribute damage on the target and the enemies near it. All elemental resist down -20. 180
Mystic Muse
Elemental Storm Wind - 1144 85 Deals M. Atk. of 108 power added with attribute damage on the target and the enemies near it. All elemental resist down -20. 180
Storm Screamer
Summon Demonic Crucify - 85 Deals M. Atk. of 108 power added on the target and the enemies near it. Apply one Debuff of Speed -40%, Atk.Speed -30%, Casting Speed -30%. 180
Soul Explosion 85 Deals M. Atk. of 108 power added with attribute damage on the target and the enemies near it. All elemental resist down -20. 180
Soul Hound
Summoners - (Elemental Master, Arcane Lord, Spectral Master)
Icon Skill LvL Description Reuse Class
Elemental Spike (Water) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Elemental Master
Elemental Spike (Wind) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Spectral Master
Elemental Spike (Fire) - 81 Deal elemental damage to the target with 108 power add to M.Atk. and decreases the elemental to earth defense in 100. 5
Arcane Lord
Invoke 83 Calls forth the fist of a Giant from the outer world to strike the target and nearby enemies with 191 power. For 20 sec., P./ M. Def. -30%. 60
All Summoners
Exile 85 Banishes the target (allys or enemys) to another dimension. The exiled target becomes incapacitated and invincible against attacks, skills, and debuffs. The target's HP -1033 per sec. 60
All Summoners


List of Skills Balanced for improve the gameplay.

Lista de Skills Balanceados para mejorar la Jugabilidad.

Balanced Skills
FearLanding Chance Reduction
Trance Landing Chance Reduction
Erase Landing Chance Reduction
Disarm Landing Chance Reduction
Mass DisarmLanding Chance Reduction
CancelRandom Cancel 1 to 5 Buffs
Steal DivinityRandom Steal 1 to 5 Buffs
Infinity SpearRandom Cancel 1 to 2 Buffs

EPICS & RAIDBOSSES - Here you can check all info about Epics and Raidbosses.


- If you make damage to one npc (mob, raid or epics) with characters at same lvl of de npc the CHANCE DROP ITEMS is hes maximun.

- If you have difference of levels between they,the chance of DROP ITEMS go to DECREASE.

- In Antharas/Valakas/Baium Only can stay Disconnected 5 min before get kick from de area.

- You can Check Status, Drop, and move to the location via Community Board.

- Normal Raidboss, have RETAIL respawn, all raids 75+ can drop 20 RB coins.

- Subclass / Noblesse Raidboss, Respwan at same time in 2 especific times, 15:00 hs and 21:00 hs.

- Antahras / Valakas, Requires Individual Quest For Entrace (Command Channel is not Necessary for enter).



Automatic Services - Here you can the detail of Enchanter Class, New Skills and Skill Balances.


Each Raid Boss lvl 75+ drops x20 Raid Coins in 100% of chance, this coins can be exchanged in STORE for the Following Rewards:


You have avariable autofunction via interface or via .voicecommands, for better use of your time online, and offline.

Target Details
Target Details (Shift Click in one target)

DONATIONS - Here you can check all info about Donations.

- All the donations services are avariable for all players, can be get with Donation coins, Event Coins, Raid Coins or Game Contents.

- The access to Donation coins, can be via make one Donation (in donation panel, and send the coins to the character), or can be traded with other users. (The Donation Coin can be exchange bettewen users.)

- You can get Raid Coins, via raidboss drops, and can be exchange bettewn users.

- You can get to Event Coins, via participation in Fight's Event, this coin is not exchangeable.

Icon Type Service Description Cost Alternative Avariable Location
Premium Account For 30 Days, Increase Xp/Sp/Adena +25%, Spoil 30%, Weigth Limit 50%, Fishing 30%. For 7, 14, 30. 65,120,200 Dc - At Open Commboard
Quest First Job Quest for complete First Profession. Free 1 Adena / Retail Quest At Open Char.Serv.
Quest Second Job Quest for complete Second Profession. Free 1 Adena / Retail Quest At Open Char.Serv.
Quest Third Job Quest for complete Thirt Profession. 75 Dc Retail Quest Day 6 Char.Serv.
Quest Subclass + Noblesse Quest for adquire Subclass and get Nobless Status. 250 Dc Retail Quest Day 11 Char.Serv.
Entrace Epic Quest Items of Quest for Participate in Epics. Per Difficult Retail Quest Day 7 Store
Entrace Kamaloka Kamaloka Extra Pass. 15 Dc (removes penalty of characther for reenter to kamaloka 1 times). - At Open Store
Gameplay Revita Pop Restore full Vitality. 50 Dc 100 Ec At Open Store
Improve Inventory Increase 10 Slots of Character Inventory, per buy. (Max. 5 Buys). 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve Warehouse Increase 10 Slots of Character Warehouse, per buy. (Max. 5 Buys). 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve SellStore Increase 1 Slots of Character Sell Store, per buy. (Max. 5 Buys). 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve BuyStore Increase 1 Slots of Character Buy Store, per buy. (Max. 5 Buys). 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve Dwarft Rcps Increase 1 Slots of Dwarft Rcps Book, per buy. (Max. 50 Slots). 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve Common Craft Increase 1 Slots of Common Craft Book, per buy. (Max. 50 Slots). 5 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Improve Augment Buy One Augment for Weapon. 1.500.000a - Day 30 Char.Serv.
Gameplay Buy Recos Buy 255 Recomendations. 10 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Karma Remove karma to 0. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Penalty Remove Character 12 (Hours) penalty for join to one new clan. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Fame Gets 1500 of Fame. (avariable day 30) 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Helpers Npc Helper duration 5 hours. 15 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Pets Improved Kokaburra, Buffalo, etc. 15 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Gameplay Base Shields Choise what you want. Per Level Dc - At Open Store
Gameplay Basic Talisman Choise what you want. Per Utility Dc - At Open Store
Fashion Dressme Assing one Skin on Weapon/Armor. 20 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Nickname Changes Character Nickname. 100 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Tittle Changes Character Tittle Color. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion ColorNick Changes Character Nickname Color. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Gender Changes Character Sex. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Hats Buy Fashion Hats!. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Accesories Buy Fashion Accesories!. 30 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Agathions Buy one Agathion with style!. 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Fashion Base Cloaks Zaken, Tezza, Freya Cloaks +3 Speed. 100/150/200 Dc - At Open Store
Fashion Cloaks Skins Buy Fashion Cloaks. 20 Dc - At Open Store
Fashion Transfer Transfer Cloaks Bettewn Chars. 50 Dc - At Open Char.Serv.
Clan Level 8 Increace +1 LvL per buy your clan Level. Max.8. 100 Dc - At Open Clan.Serv.
Clan Level 11 Increace +1 LvL per buy your clan Level. Max.11. 100 Dc - Day 7 Clan.Serv.
Clan Reputation Increace +10.000 Clan Reputation Points. 50 Dc - At Open Clan.Serv.
Clan Penalty Removes Clan Penaltys. 100 Dc - At Open Clan.Serv.
Clan Name Take New Clan's Name. 100 Dc - At Open Clan.Serv.
Clan Eggs Get Clan Eggs for Skills. 50 Dc x10 eggs of same clase. 150 Rc At Open Clan.Serv.
Clan Items Get Clan Related Items (Blood Oaths, etc). - Dc - Rc At Open Clan.Serv.